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Scrap Tire Grants available for 2024

By The Michigan Department of Environment Great Lakes and Energy

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is pleased to announce the availability of grants that promote and support the cleanup and reuse of scrap tires in Michigan. 

Scrap tires pose a fire risk and a human health risk as mosquito breeding grounds.  Through grants, scrap tires can be processed and used in paving products for roads, manufactured products, and energy production.

The Scrap Tire Cleanup Grant is available for property owners to clean up old or abandoned scrap tire piles. EGLE will give priority to collection sites where tires were accumulated prior to Jan. 1, 1991, as well as collection sites that pose an imminent threat to public health, safety, welfare, or the environment. Local units of government and nonprofit organizations are also eligible for funding for cleanup days and roadside cleanup grants.

Scrap Tire Market Development Grants are available to fund up to 50% of total eligible costs for projects that demonstrate new or increased uses of scrap tires in manufactured products or paving projects. EGLE will prioritize proposals based on the amount of scrap tire material being used in developing the project or product, demonstration of a new use of scrap tire material, and demonstration of a viable market for a proposed product.

To apply for a grant, visit the Scrap Tire Website and select the appropriate link under “Grant Information,” or contact us at EGLE-ScrapTire@Michigan.gov.

EGLE will accept Scrap Tire Cleanup and Market Development Grant Applications with all supporting documentation received on or before 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Friday, Sept. 29, 2023.

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