By The Sanilac County Historical Society
Port Sanilac, MI (August 29th, 2023) –
If you’re a fan of plaid shirts and jackets, then get ready to celebrate Plaidurday with us, a holiday dedicated to the creation and fashion statement of plaid. The holiday is celebrated annually on the first Friday of October. Our celebration may be a bit early, but there will be no shortage of fun!
* Live music from The Greenlanders
* Craft beer
* Cash bar
* Food truck
* Lawn games
* Chainsaw art
* Thumb history trivia contest
* Prizes for the best Plaidurday getup
FREE for members of Sanilac County Historical Society
$5 for guests – But be prepared to pay a $5 fine if you show up without wearing plaid!
Guests must be 21 to attend.
The Sanilac County Historic Village & Museum is located at 228 S. Ridge St (M25) in Port Sanilac. For more information visit or on Facebook at “Sanilac County Historic Village & Museum”, or call the office at 810.622.9946.