
Are We Nuts?

By Kathleen Knowles

Certainly, every sane person in this country has to be asking the question, Are we nuts?  All one has to do is take a look at what is going on in our country today, and that question most certainly must pop into mind.

In this regard, there is so much that could be discussed in this article, but we will limit ourselves to that which is related to Covid-19.

Let’s start with masks.  The rules are probably not the same in every state, but here in Michigan, our governor wrote an executive order stating that everyone must wear a mask when they go inside a business. Employees in those businesses must also wear masks. How many times have you walked into a store and been waited on by an employee who drops the mask below their nose, rendering it completely useless? For those of you who are working in a business, and wearing your mask properly, how many times have you seen people come into the store with a mask on and then promptly drop it below their mouth to talk to you? Isn’t that nuts!?

Next, we have governors and mayors ordering hospitals to place COVID patients in nursing homes. Yet, the elderly are the group of people who are most susceptible to not recovering from COVID.  A large number of deaths that have occurred in the states in which the governors and mayors have been doing this are nursing home patients.  To place COVID patients in nursing homes is just plain nuts!

Everyone is aware of what is going on in cities like Seattle, Minneapolis, Portland, and now Kenosha. People are rioting, destroying businesses, property, torching police cars, and what is worse is the mayors are allowing it to happen and calling it peaceful protesting.  In some cases, the police have arrested dozens, but prosecutors have stated that they refuse to prosecute them!  This is just plain nuts! If that isn’t bad enough, the mayors and governors that are allowing their cities to be burnt to the ground have now asked the federal government to rebuild their cities! That’s nuts! They allowed the rioting and the damage, so in my opinion, they should have to rebuild their cities themselves.

We have people who are meeting to protest for the ability to vote by mail.  To reasonably intelligent people, this is just as nuts!  If they can protest and riot in groups (most of which are not wearing masks), then there is no reason they can’t go to the polls to vote.

Then, we have people being arrested for protecting their businesses and homes, but those who are burning them down are free to do so, as nobody is stopping them.

And what has to be the craziest thing of all is the demand to defund the police! What are people thinking? If somebody attacks the people who are demanding this, who are they going to call . . . Ghostbusters?!  What these people are suggesting is total anarchy. They want to live in a world where there are no rules, people can take what they want, even if it belongs to someone else, and can beat up and murder anybody who gets in the way with no regard for consequences. The police are there to protect the innocent. Are there some bad cops, no doubt there are! But, there are bad apples in every walk of life.  So you weed them out, you don’t get rid of the police.

It seems unbelievable that any of this has to be discussed. Yet, it does. It just makes you wonder, Are we nuts?

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