Photo courtesy of the Port Huron Elks Lodge 343. New Therapeutic Massage chair, side table and therapeutic craft kit table in the Veterans waiting area.
Local News

Veterans Corner article #32

By The Port Huron Elks Lodge 343 

Thanks to the generosity of the Port Huron Elks Lodge 343 membership, Elks National Veterans Service Commission (ENVSC) and Guest who attended the Elks Lodge 343-1st annual Wild Dame dinner back in January. The Event Committee was able to use a portion of the event proceeds, to the purchase a full body Therapeutic Massage chair for our local Veterans.  The Chair was recently presented to the Yale VA, Veterans Clinic of McLaren/Port Huron, Yale Community Health Center.  The chair is set up and ready for use in the Veterans waiting area.  It has been placed near the Therapeutic craft kit table. Alex Ferguson, USAF, retired was the first Veteran to put the chair to use.  Its available for Veterans who use the Yale VA facility and the caring Yale VA staff.

The Port Huron Elks Lodge 343, Clawson/Troy Elks Lodge 2169 and ENVSC monthly $25.00, (2) free gas gift cards “give-a-way” program drawing took place on June 30th.  James R. Compton US Navy Veteran, retired was asked to assist with the drawing.  James drew two lucky local Veterans. This month’s winning tickets belong to Betty Riley, US Army and Nicholas Dietrich, USMC.  The Yale Veterans Clinic of McLaren/Port Huron Yale Community Health Center is located at 7470 Brockway Road, Yale, MI. 48097.  The Elks pledge “So long as there are Veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them”.  

The Elks National Veterans Service Commission takes that pledge one step further, and promises service to our nation’s Veterans and Military members, with a special focus on service to those in need.

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