Local News

Blue Water Area Fallen Heroes Banner Project

By Kathleen Knowles

A rainy road trip to Yale this morning netted the BLUE WATER AREA FALLEN HEROES BANNER Project one more image. Sgt. William A Kovatch was 26 years of age when his tour of duty ended December 26th, 1944. Sgt. Kovatch proudly represented the city of Yale, Michigan in the US Army. Sgt. Kovatch is the 231st image we have scanned out of the more than 580 we hope to locate. We had hoped to capture two additional area photos this morning, but the scheduling just did not work out.

The need for community involvement is huge. This is a St Clair County-wide project. It includes all of us.  This project is driven by and for the families of these brave men as well as being driven for the memories of these many sacrifices. Our 24/7 hotline hardly rings lately. If you cannot come to Port Huron, we have been known to make road trips, and would be willing to meet you at any public place of your choosing. There is NO COST to you, now or in the future. We can also scan slides and negatives. If you have access to or know someone who has a photo of a SAINT CLAIR COUNTY resident who died while in service to their country, please contact (810) 985-2007.

Blue Water Healthy Living strongly encourages everyone to get involved with this very worthy project.  We would not enjoy the freedom that we do if it were not for these brave heroes.  Let them live on in this tribute to the real heroes of America!

Kathleen Knowles
Contributing Writer

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