By Kathleen Knowles
Heroes Answers Your Questions!
Week 2
If you have been following Blue Water Healthy Living, you are familiar with the Blue Water Fallen Heroes Community Banner Project. The program was conceived to recognize and honor over 550 military service members from Saint Clair County killed in action from World War I to the current conflicts. These banners will include the service member’s picture, their branch of service, their rank, the conflict they were involved in, and the city, town or village they resided. The banners will be displayed the week for Memorial Day and the week after in the cities and towns where the hero lived. Target date 2021.
Those of you who have not heard of the program or simply want to know more about it will now be provided with a forum in which to ask questions. We will be accepting your questions which will then be answered directly by those involved in the project.
More Questions answered:
Q: Can I email a photo to the VA?
A: We much prefer to scan an original. Most home scanners will only scan up to 600 dpi. When you try to enlarge that low-resolution image up to 3 1/2 to 4 feet tall, it will pixelate and cloud up. Our scanner purchased solely for this project will scan up to 9,600 dpi.
Q: What if I live out of state, how can I get a photo where it needs to be?
A: Do what many others have done, sandwich the photo between two pieces of cardboard and mail it ‘certified mail, return receipt requested; to St. Clair County Department of Veterans Affairs, 200 Grand River Ave., Suite 104, Port Huron, MI 48060 (attn. Nancy). It will be mailed back to you the SAME WAY within 24 hours.
Q: If I wanted to make a contribution to the project, where would I send it?
A: The Community Foundation of St. Clair County is receiving all donations. Their address is 500 Water St., Port Huron, MI 48060 (attn: Nancy). Make sure that the memo line includes ‘Fallen Heroes Banner Project.’
Q: Are contributions tax-deductible?
A: No they are not. Because this is one of many Foundations Special Community Projects, it does not qualify for tax exemptions.
Have we not answered your question? Send it to the email address below and we will see that you get an answer. Check back to Blue Water Healthy Living for the answer to your question.