Photo courtesy of Barb Pert Templeton for Blue Water Healthy Living The Algonac City Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays at 6 p.m. at the city offices.
Local News

Algonac Council takes care of business 7-5-2023

By Barb Pert Templeton

The Algonac City Council held their regular bi-monthly meeting, usually held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month, on Wednesday, July 5 due to the Fourth of July holiday. The council addressed a number of items and expenditures.

Water Line Verification Program

During the agenda item under ‘City Manager’s Report’ Algonac City Manager Denice Gerstenberg updated the council on the city’s Water Line Verification Program. Gerstenberg said the program, which was started in the state in 2021, requires municipalities to replace five percent of their lead or galvanized water services lines each year. The first step is to locate where those water service lines are and per specifications, a random list of 347 Algonac residences has been created. Everyone on that list will be receiving a letter about the upcoming inspections of their water service lines. The Algonac water plant staff will handle most of the inspections with some help from the DPW. Property owners will be asked to set up times for the inspections on the following schedule: Mondays. 1 to 3 p.m., Tuesdays thru Thursdays from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. or 1 to 3 p.m. with no appointments on Friday, Saturdays or Sundays.

Photo courtesy of Algonac Alive/FacebookMembers of the local group, Algonac Alive, are already selling duck tickets for this year’s Halloween event in the city, this is a photo from last year’s sale.

Upgrade to water plant computer 

Approval to pay for an upgrade to the computer systems at the Algonac Water Plant in the amount of $7,745 was approved by the city council. The request for the improvements was made by Public Services Superintendent Joshua Stewart who explained the situation in a letter to officials. Stewart said He said currently they have SCADA (Supervisory and Control Data System) Computer located in a control room at the plant. It’s used by operations and management to monitoring and automation. A test in December revealed several gaps in the system including with alarms, safeguards in the event of a power outage and display monitors for amount of water per machine per day. A quote from USDI SCADA located in Dexter, Michigan was approved by the council.

Get your duck tickets

City Councilman Michael Bembas took a moment during the council comments section of the recent meeting to remind people that Halloween in the Nac’ will be hosted on Oct. 21, 2023. It’s a local event where groups and businesses from the city come together to provide candy and games to area children for Halloween. Bembas said duck tickets will be sold at the Algonac Concerts in the Park on Thursday nights throughout the summer. Last October hundreds of people crowded into Riverside Park where 1,000 rubber ducks were dumped into the river for a race. Bembas said Algonac Alive has been selling the ducks, at $5 each, all year, and each entrant is given a number with the first three across the finish line receiving prizes. First prize is $500, 2nd is $250, and 3rd is $100. The Algonac Fire Department handles the duck race along the water and there’s special tubing that creates the opportunity for the ducks to go single file into the winner’s circle.

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