By Kathleen Knowles
The political season has arrived in Port Huron! With the presidential election coming up in November, rallies are in full swing. That was evident in Port Huron on December 21st when supporters of Donald Trump rallied for the president at the corner of Military and Water Street.
Lindsay Brusch, the rally organizer said it was only organized two weeks ago. “We just want to get the word out that the impeachment is a sham, and let President Trump know we support him over here in Port Huron, Michigan.”
It didn’t go off without a hitch though. Lindsay put the event on Facebook, but they kept taking it down. “Facebook is bias and doesn’t want pro-Trump supporters on their forum. So, I messaged all kinds of people. I also got hold of a congressman who put me in touch with a representative of the 10th district.”

Even with the lack of publicity, approximately 100 people showed up between noon and three o’clock, holding Trump signs and flags, waving them at those passing by in their cars. If the car honking and thumbs up from those passersby was any indication, President Trump has a lot of support in the area. Lindsay made it clear this is only the first rally for the president. “It will grow as we get the word out. We are looking to hold another rally as early as January. We will be getting together after Christmas to plan the next rally for Trump.”

Lindsay said she supports the president because she believes he is an honorable man who is trying to keep the Christian basis of this country. “With the promises he has made, he has kept all of them.” She believes the president will win in a landslide in November of next year, and the country will give the House back to the Republican Party.

Those at the rally carried the same opinion of President Trump. David Bobanc said, “There is no better choice for the country than Donald Trump. The economy, jobs, putting people back to work, carrying about the American people; all these things make him the best person for the job. David also was upset over the impeachment of the president. “It’s a Kangaroo Court, a joke which Nancy Pelosi is now sitting on after declaring they couldn’t wait to impeach him.” He is confident the investigations of Attorney General William Barr is going to reveal that the Democrats are the ones who have been engaging in illegal activities.
Another supporter, Dave Carr said he supports Donald Trump because everything he feels should be done is being done by the president. “He is securing the boarder and the economy has never been better.” He too considers the impeachment of the president a farce. Dave revealed he has been a member of the Republican party for years. When asked how President Trump fares in comparison to other Republican presidents, he said, “Much better. He’s more conservative and pro-life.” Carr also believes the president will be re-elected in November.
Not everyone was downtown to support President Trump. There was a small group of four protesters. Amber Woods was one of them, standing on the opposite side of the street with a sign of her own.

Although she does not have a political affiliation, she admitted she did lean to the left. Amber made it clear she doesn’t support President Trump. “He wants to eliminate women’s rights. Those on the right think he’s a good guy, and he is not. Melania may or may not have just been looking for a sugar daddy. It is not what I would call a Christian type of union.” When asked what she didn’t like about his policies, Amber only said, “I don’t think he knows much about them.” She did not state what she did not like about them. “He’s just a face.” Asked who was making the decisions, her answer was she was not really certain. She did say she supported Bernie Sanders for president, but anyone would be better than Trump.
No doubt passions will be high this political season. Blue Water Healthy Living encourages everyone to do their civic duty and vote in the November election.
Kathleen Knowles
Contributing Writer