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“Man’s Best Friend” with Saint Clair Kennel Club!

By Kathleen Knowles

This past weekend was the Saint Clair Kennel Club Dog Shows, and what a “Dog Gone” good time it was! Sanctioned by the American Kennel Club, two All-Breed shows, two specialty shows, a Barn Hunt Competition, and even a “Pee-Wee Event (for kids under eight years of age) were held at the Goodells Fairgrounds in Goodells, Michigan.  Since 1971, the Kennel Club has been promoting pure-bred dogs.

Dogs of all sizes and shapes competed in events toward their American Kennel Club Championship, Obedience, and Barn Hunt titles. It all began Thursday night as the motor homes rolled into Goodells Park in preparation of the shows.

On Friday, September 13th, two specialties were held

The Fort Detroit Golden Retriever Club held it’s annual specialty.  Grand Champion Tamarak Oughta Be the Mayor took top honors as Best in Specialty under Judge, Mr. Gregory Wessel.  He is owned by Jeffrey & Diana Cooper of Sunrise Beach, MO. and bred by Kathy Wipple. An Obedience Trial and Rally were held with only the Golden Retreiver’s allowed to enter.

The Great Lakes Toy Club also held their specialty in conjunction with the SCKC on Friday.  After breed judging was completed, the Group was judged by Mrs. Mary Ellen Meyer. A Yorkshire Terrier, Grand Champion Karma Hekan Mini Cooper, owned by Nancy Smith, Jason Huff, Kathy Bevil & Ruth Conner of Lawrenceville, IL won the specialty.

Saturday, September 14th

The All-Breed Shows began with Sir Knight’s of the Eastern Michigan Battalion, Knights of Michigan presenting the United States and Canadian flag to the National Anthems.  Judging began promptly at 8:30 a.m.

The Kennel Club added two events this year.  The first was the Barn Hunt. Rats were placed in canisters and hidden in bales of hay.  (No rats were harmed in the process). The dogs were charged with finding them. They were judged by an AKC Barn Hunt Judge.

The second added event was a Pee-Wee event.  Kids under 9 years of age went in the ring with their dog (and a parent) and enjoyed the experience of handling a dog in front of an American Kennel Club Judge.  Hopefully, it will ingrain a desire and interest for kids in the sport of purebred dogs.

Of course, the premier event of the dog show is the breed and group judging.  All breeds are judged individually by AKC judges. The dogs (males) and bitches (female) classes are judged separately with one dog and bitch selected as winners of their sex.  They return to the ring to compete against the champions for Best of Breed. The breed winner is granted the privilege to go on to compete in Group judging. Pictured left, Paige Winters with Cowboy and their participation ribbon.

Working Group

Judge Karen J. Hynek selected a Siberian Husky, GCH Snowmist Fresca Crystal Fountain, owned and bred by Hiroyo Shimizu and Kim Leblanc, Edinboro, PA

Working Group

Hound Group

The Group was judged by Dr. John A. Reeve-Newson of Canada.  Dr. Newson chose the Borzoi, Ch.Rivervue Gimme Some Lovin, owned and bred by Virginia E. Jones of Brighton, MI.

Featuring:  Local Breeder, Doris Ingles of Kimball (pictured below), started breeding Norwegian Elkhounds in 1989. Since then, she has produced 23 champions.  She is pictured with her latest home-bred, Dinor’s Ice Or Snow Ready To Go. Doris is a member of the SCKC.

Hound Group

Non-Sporting Group

Stepping in again to judge the Non-Sporting Group, Dr. John A. Reeve-Newson chose the Standard Poodle, Ch. Hillwood Floating on Air, owned and bred by Ellen Charles of Washington D.C.

Non-Sporting Group

Terrier Group

Dr. John A. Reeve-Newson certainly was kept busy as he judged his third group of the day.  He chose the Russell Terrier, GCH High Pointe Earth Angel, owned by Mark & Laurie Ulrich, Shirley Miyahara, and Terri Braud.

Terrier Group cont.

The Toy Group

Judge Mr. Johnny R. Shoemaker took over the judging duties for the Toy Group.  His choice was the Havenese, Amblers Oh Undeniable Attitude, owned by Kathy Ambler and bred by Myrna McCallum.

The Toy Group cont.

Herding Group

Judge Karen J. Hynek got the nod to judge the Herding Group.  She pointed to the Bearded Collie, GCH Carowynd Maximillan at Dunhill, owned and bred by Carolyn O’Neil and Ray Harrington of Nashville, TN.

Sporting Group

The final group of the day was judged by Mrs. Debra L. Davis.  Her winner was the English Springer, GCHP Brightwater Gilchrist Dreaming Out Loud, owned by Elizabeth Fink, Dr. Tim Lowe, Nancy Siver, Carrie Racey, and bred by Nancy Siver, Erin Kerfoot, Ruth Kirby, and Kathie Milne of Okatie, SC.

Judge Mrs. Gloria Geringer, the last judge of the day awarded Reserve Best in Show to the Russell from the Terrier Group . . .

English Springer

Special recognition was bestowed upon Inge Fegan and Rocco for being the first in the United States to achieve an AKC Scent Work Detective Title.  Congratulation Inge and Rocco!!!

President and Show Chairman,Richard Lawless congratulates Inge and Rocco on their achievement.

The importance of Dog Shows and breeders cannot be overstated.  Their dedication to their individual breeding programs is what makes every breed viable.  Without them, there would be no breeds. So, if you didn’t go to the dog show, make sure you do next year.  See what it is all about. Talk to the breeders. Learn all about the breed you have been looking for. You won’t regret it!

Thank you to Saint Clair Kennel Club for caring about dogs.  Without them, our lives would be less fulfilling.


Kathleen Knowles 
Contributing Writer

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