Photo courtesy of Marine City Maritime Days/Facebook. A permit to host Maritime Days in Marine City on August 4-6 was recently approved by the city commission. This image is for the festival t-shirt and the design was created by Ruby Tattoo.
Local News

Marine City Commission takes care of business

By Barb Pert Templeton

A July 20 meeting of the Marine City Commission had officials taking care of lots of agenda items and they didn’t let a storm that knocked out their power stop them. 

Out go the lights

A regular bi-monthly meeting of the Marine City Commission on July 20 faced technical difficulties when a storm knocked out power and the meeting couldn’t be videotaped. City Clerk Jason Bell said the incident occurred five minutes prior to the 7 p.m. start of the meeting but officials pressed on utilizing three security lights in the meeting room and opening the blinds so light could get in. Officials decided to make an audio recording of the meeting which lasted just about an hour and 45 minutes. Bell said the city’s working to make the audio recording available to the public and will put it up on the city website – as soon as it’s ready.

Insurance renewal approved 

Photo courtesy of
The Marine City Commission meets on the first and third Thursdays of the month at 7 p.m.

An annual property and casualty insurance policy renewal with Nickel & Saph Inc. in the amount of $133,570 was recently approved by the Marine City Commission. City Manager Scott Adkins wrote a memo to the commission explaining the policy and noting that costs had gone up by a little over $11,000. Adkins attributed the increase to several things including an increase in annual budget expenditures, an increase in building and property values plus the addition of two new police vehicles. Despite the increase Adkins noted that overall, the city has been pleased with the services provided by the agent via the agency.

Pump Station Technology Purchase 

The public works department will be getting some new equipment in the form of a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system, which is used to gather and quickly analyze real-time data in the manufacturing sector. An invoice in the amount of $22,325 to UIS Scada Inc., located in Dexter, Michigan, was approved for new equipment at the city’s DPW. In addition to the installing and setting up the new equipment the company will provide all the necessary startup and training services for employees. 

Special Permit for Maritime Days

A permit application filed by Maritime Days President Tammi Graber was approved by members of the Marine City Commission. The annual festival, set for the first weekend in August requires assistance from the city that has to be paid for by festival organizers. A meeting packet listed an invoice from the police department that reflected the need for payment to both full and part-time officers over the three days festival with charges of $1,019. An additional charge of $215 for a pair of employees from the city’s DPW to work two hours each on Sunday, during the festival parade was also approved.

Commission makes board appointments notes vacancies 

Three city residents were appointed to serve on the Marine City Planning Commission. Madelyn McCarthy, William Beautell and Graham Allen were appointed to three-year terms by members of the city commission. In addition, Craig May was appointed to a four-year term on the city’s Tax Increment Finance Authority (TIFA) and David Warner was appointed to fill a two-year term that remains on the Community and Economic Development Board after a former member resigned. 

The city also has two other vacancies, one on the planning commission and one on the library board. Interested applications need to file paperwork to fill the seats by August 8. 

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