City council presents city’s Asset Award
By Barb Pert Templeton
A recent meeting of the Algonac City Council has officials presenting Amber George with an Asset Award for her devotion to volunteering in the city.
Councilman Michael Bembas presented Amber with the award noting that she was nominated for her volunteer work with numerous groups and organizations.
Bembas said Amber first volunteered during her senior year at Algonac High School, helping at the Algonac-Clay Library and St. John River District Hospital. Later she volunteered for the Macomb County Meals on Wheels program, the ARC of St. Clair County, Soaring Dreams in St. Clair, and First Evangelical Lutheran Church’s clothing bank. She also participated in the Walk-A-Mile in My Shoes rally in Lansing, Michigan to support public awareness of mental health and plans to participate once again on September 13.

Algonac Councilman Michael Bembas presents local volunteer, Amber George, with the Algonac Asset Award.
As a former chairperson of RICC (Regional Inclusive Community Coalitions), she was and continues to be an advocate for mental health matters as well as an advocate for her peer group.
“Her activism and willingness to step up and lend a hand at her young age is truly inspiring,” Bembas said.
He went on to state that he’s really gotten a chance to know Amber as she’s a regular weekly volunteer at the Algonac Clothes Bank.
“She works harder than anybody there folding clothes, teaching us how to fold clothes and tells us where to put the clothes,” Bembas said. “She really takes charge and makes it her own.”
Bembas laughed and said the rest of us old people are saying “we need to sit down and get a cup of coffee” and she’s still in there working hard.
The Algonac Asset Award was then presented to Amber for all her hard work noting her kindness and dedication to numerous organizations in the city.
“By volunteering to help you not only share your compassion for others but you contribute to helping those in our community,” Bembas said, reading the formal Asset Award statement. “Your support is a tremendous benefit and your willingness to lend a hand to so many worthy causes set’s a positive example for us all.

Algonac City Councilwoman Dawn Davey stepped away from the council table to join her daughter, Amber George down front as the accepted the Algonac Asset Award for her volunteerism.
“Thank-you for doing such a great job and this is signed by our Mayor Rocky Gillis,” Bembas said.
He then summoned Amber’s mother, Councilwoman Dawn Davey to step down from the council table to take photos with her and the award.
“That was so cool, that was fun,” Davey laughed at the conclusion of the presentation.
During the council comments portion of the meeting several officials recognized Amber for her dedicated volunteerism.
“Amber George, congratulations, well deserved so a shout out to her,” Councilman Corey Blair said.
Council members including Councilwoman Cathy Harris and Councilman Ed Carter plus Mayor Pro Tem Ray Martin took time out to congratulate Amber as well.
“I want to thank Amber George for being the quality kind of person she is, she does a lot for others,” Martin said.
Amber’s mother, Councilmember Davey said her daughter does what she can and she loves it.
“I’m just proud that she’s one of those that doesn’t think twice about it she just does it,” Davey said. “Thank you so much everyone.”